Chemical Safety for Childcare

What We Do - Who We Help

Our passion for world-class cleaning products may not be contagious, but is absolutely essential!

We work to tackle the biggest issues the childcare sector faces when it comes to cleaning and sanitisation, from products that are friendly for children of all ages, to simplifying the ordering process. 

Our goal? Improve efficiencies and bring world-class products to the early learning sector so you can free up more of your time for the things that matter – inspiring and educating children.

Why Choose Us

Backed by over three decades of knowledge and experience in the cleaning supply world puts us in a position that’s hard to match.

Health and safety is a concern and major priority for parents and carers when it comes to choosing a childcare centre – and is only rising in importance as we continue to collectively learn more and more about hygiene and its significance in our daily lives.

As such, the consumables and cleaning products that work hard behind the scenes are crucial to your daily routine. And when it comes to running a competitive centre in the early learning space, there’s nothing more important than providing a safe area for both learning, and play.

Childcare Cleaning Supplies is not only Queensland’s largest independent supplier to the contract cleaning industry, but a true partnership in the childcare and early learning sector.

We’ve recognised the unique challenges childcare workers face every day and are committed to bringing our knowledge and experience to the table so you and your team can focus on what matters most.

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